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As a bulk package up to 30% cheaper

Directly from Switzerland in 3-7 days to the EU from € 9.99

Winter special shipping throughout the EU only CHF 9.- / € 9.99 - free delivery from CHF 100.- / € 100.-

B2B area

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Your shopping cart is ready for checkout

Hello again! You know that from the shop around the corner - you want to pay and something suddenly comes up. But of course we haven't put away your selection yet and you can now continue and add to your purchase as you wish.

In your basket are currently...

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Questions for us?

We look forward to your order and wish you a wonderful day.

Sincerely, your Swiss Chocolate World


Real Swiss chocolate

With us you only get chocolates that were actually made in Switzerland - we obtain most chocolates directly from the manufacturer - with some we are even the exclusive export partner

Duty-free delivery throughout the EU

Within the EU (and of course also in Switzerland and Liechtenstein) all our prices include VAT and customs duties. Your shipment will therefore be delivered duty paid, no matter how much you order. If you would like to deliver to a country that is not listed at checkout, please write us a mail

social commitment

We are against food waste and are socially committed. In the category "1 €- chocolates against food waste" you can save chocolate yourself shortly before the best-before date! We give away chocolates that we can no longer sell to homeless shelters in Switzerland - as you can see on Insta below, we were out and about in Zurich before Christmas